My search brought me to leather goods and found a good alternative to the already established brands that are quite expensive - Ni'qua. They have online presence in FB and IG but also have regular pop-ups around Metro Manila, plus they would sometimes open their physical store somewhere in Marikina for blitzes.
You can have your bags personalized - color, texture, lining, straps. They have recently also offered shoes and sandals. You should check out their website for their products.
Ordering and paying for my item was quick and easy with the help of paypal. Delivery took a few days but nothing worrisome. The bag itself is of good quality leather and I have had it for more than a year now and still looks brand new.
Product Quality: 5/5
Price: 5/5
Packaging and Delivery: 5/5
Here's my Manico Medium in Chestnut with personalized name:
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